
Hi I'm Edgar and here is where I write about stuff.

Efficient Localisation

Today me and Martin (@mdevilleinfo) had the opportunity to talk to some amazing people at the Cocoaheads Meetup in Berlin.

The meetup was heald at the headquarters of OneFootball and was a very welcoming environment. We met some nice people, had some beers and shared our learnings with localisation at Memorado.

Currently only 10 people work at Memorado, and despite its young age and small team size, we are able to deliver an amazing brain training platform to over 3.5 Million users in 21 different languages. We think this huge success can be partly attributed to our efforts in localising our app efficiently, and it was really rewarding to have the opportunity to share some of these thoughts with the community.

Countries with Memorado Users

Green countries are countries with Memorado Users.

Memorado App Downloads per Language

English is not as universal as you might think

I would like to thank everyone who was there and listened to our talk. Really looking forward for the next gatherings.

You can click here to download the slides for our talk: “Efficient Localisation: 3 tips to accelerate the global growth of your iOS app”

And of course, if you want to join this amazing team working with an outstanding energy at the heart of Berlin, go ahead and send your application to

Edgar Neto

Edgar is a developer, father, husband and technology enthusiast. He likes to write about technology, work-life balance and eventually even some fiction.
